Goo Saga is a brand new platforming adventure mobile game developed by Toka Loka Games. Get into an unusual story, and enjoy the game for a period of time, no matter how long or short the game is.
Goo is basically a gelatinous creature that can roll and jump. This puzzle/platforming game allows you to control Goo with four onscreen buttons. The controls on the left let him move left and right. While the controls located on the right side will allow Goo to jump up, smash down, or destroy his enemies if he needs to.
It consists of three various game modes such as Deflated, Normal and Inflated. This is where strategy in the game enters, as some areas can only be accessed if Goo is flat. Or if you want to perform a perfect jump, you should do it if Goo is not perfectly round.
The gameplay of each level will require you to avoid enemies or eliminate them down with a jump and smash strategy. You will only complete the normal mode if you have captured all little bits of Goo on the level.
You will also have to find out how to get in all different areas of the game. Some areas can only be unlocked by flipping the switch, but you will need to roll as quickly as possible through the area before the door closes. Obstacles are also present in the levels that can electrocute you or spikes that will burst your bubble.
What makes Goo Saga amazing is that it doesn’t only have a detailed background and unique level designs, but the rendering of Goo himself. Goo is an adorable tiny creature that possesses the ability to change color.
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