MMA Fighting Clash


MMA Fighting Clash Descrizione

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MMA Fighting Clash

MMA Fighting Clash is a fighting game loved by many players around the world. The game features fighting skills like punching, blocking, kicking, and even superkicks and takedowns to get opponents crashing down on the ground. 

In this game, players can bring their strongest fighter on the ring and join in the martial arts championship. Using powerful combat maneuvers, players can crush their enemies within seconds. There are also several fighters available to choose from with each having their own parameters, looks, and fighting style. Move the fighter across the ring and make sure to dodge enemy attacks and use defense blocks. Use various hits, dashes, and other martial arts at the exact moment. 

MMA Fighting Clash Features

•   Features Tournaments, Quick Fights, Missions, and Challenges

•   Multiplayer mode with customizable fighter

•   Career mode features different weight classes 

•   High-Quality graphics and animation and realistic sounds

•   Action-filled gameplay with various style combats like Muay Thai, Box, Sambo, Kickboxing, BJJ and many more

•   Library consists of 100 moves that can be set up for each fighter

•   In game store with fighters, abilities, clothes and many more

•   60+ look alike fighters from the real-life MMA fighters (Connor McGregor, Alexander Emilianenko, Ronda Rousey, Fedor, Kimbo Slice, Jose Aldo, and a lot more MMA legends) with each having different strengths and weak points.

•   Huge character customization 

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